Memory Aids

We work with our sister website to provide a range of natural health products to help our subscribers keep in tip-top health, both physically and mentally.

Most of their products come in the form of transdermal patches which you simply stick to a hair-free part of your upper arm or shoulder, leave on for twenty-four hours and then replace every day. Transdermal patches have several advantages over orally consumed supplements, they deliver a constant supply of ingredients over a prolonged period as opposed to the spike experienced when taking oral products, they're discreet and easy to use, the ingredients transfer directly into your bloodstream reducing the liver loading, and of course most of our subscribers are already taking tablets of some sort or another and they don't want to start taking any more.

The Focus and Memory Patch is designed to boost your concentration so that you can perform at your absolute best. Whether you need to focus on puzzling, work, studies, or sport, the Focus Pro Patch can help you achieve your true potential. It contains a high dose of Ginkgo Biloba and other nutrients which stimulate your brain health and support its optimal function.

This patch provides support with three key cognitive functions:

  • Focus & Concentration
  • Motivated Mood
  • Memory Support

To find out more about our great Memory & Focus Patch please click here.